an introduction to history

A brief overview from our Heads of Department

As pupils engage with History, they investigate events and interesting characters using sources found in books, official statistics, the Internet and artefacts, before using the evidence they gather to argue a point of view.

History is not just about the past; it is about why we are, who we are and what is next!


In Key Stage 3, pupils approach History chronologically, starting with the pivotal date of 1066 and the study of the Norman Conquest. They then go on to explore and analyse life during the Tudor and Stuart eras.

A key part of learning history is getting out of the classroom and exploring relevant historic landmarks and destinations. These trips starting in Year 7 are loved by the pupils and an important part of engaging young minds in the Senior School.


Year 9 pupils investigate the Slave Trade and link it to both the Civil Rights movement in the USA and the Suffragette movement. A focus on the impact of the World War One completes their studies.

GCSE History sees the course focusing on the historical events of the 20th Century, including Germany in Transition, 1919-1939 and The Development of the USA, 1929 – 2000.

The British study in depth is the Elizabethan Age, while the title of the thematic study is Changes in Health and Medicine in Britain c500 to the present day.