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Today, we marked the end of the academic year by gathering together, in year group bubbles, outside for a whole school assembly. This is the first time we have been able to do this since January 2020, so felt like an incredibly special moment to reflect back on a year well lived at school – a remarkable year – a historic year – a hard, fun, emotional, happy, sad, fast, slow, scary, exciting and fun year at Cranford House School.

Your children have been incredible throughout and I am immensely proud of all our pupils who have tackled national lockdowns, examinations, bubbles, remote learning and so much more besides!

As you may be aware, Cranford House was founded in 1931 and we have now entered our 90th year. This is a year to celebrate and be proud of, particularly as our pupils have faced the biggest challenges of any generation since the second world war.

In much the same way as school life has adapted to the pandemic, during the war years, school life at Cranford continued as usual with minor adaptations. Miss Laurence, the Headmistress at the time, opened the school during the summer holidays so all children – including evacuees – could enjoy games, bathing and other activities. Petrol rationing meant children were rowed up the river to school or arrived by pony and trap. Country rambles on the downs included a new game of ‘rabbits’, where children had to stay still until the whistle blew, never guessing that it was practice for the times the German bombers flew overhead.

It struck me therefore, that in our first whole school assembly since January 2020 and at the start of our 90th anniversary celebrations, it is an appropriate moment to reflect back on the words of the founder of our school, Miss Lawrence;

“Behind the History of Cranford lies an intangible atmosphere based on a deep concern for people, and the belief that everyone has a contribution to make to the world they live in.”

That is something I believe, that all our teachers and staff believe in and that defines who we are as a community.

I hope you all have a truly restful summer and look forward to seeing you back in the Autumn Term!

James Raymond