An introduction to Chemistry A-level

A brief overview from our A-level teachers.

What does it involve?

Chemistry is an intellectually challenging, stimulating A-level course, providing solid scientific training and enhancing the analytical skills students have gained through the study of Chemistry at GCSE. A large proportion of the course is very practical, which develops strong team-work and requires students to question and challenge what they are learning. It develops excellent problem solving and analytical skills and encourages the use of logic and reasoning to understand outcomes.

The A-level course covers a broad range of topics including Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. It challenges students to think in creative ways and provides answers to many intriguing questions about the world. Students are encouraged to delve into the world of experimental science to help them fully understand the theoretical concepts and ensure a thorough grounding in the subject.

Chemistry naturally works to complement other A-level Science subjects, but also fits well with Mathematics.

How is it assessed?

This takes the form of three written papers, each of which is two hours long, contributing to approximately a third of the marks. There are also 12 practical activities that are completed in the classroom, equating to 15% of the mark.

Which skills or qualifications do I need?

A good pass at GCSE level in Chemistry.

University or employment prospects?

Chemistry is a well-regarded subject which is crucial for any medical, veterinary or dentistry-related degree course. It is also a stepping stone to chemical engineering and other engineering courses.