18 11 22 Dragon Eggs 2

A surprise awaited Year 4 children this week as they discovered two unhatched dragon eggs in the classroom last Monday.

Perplexed, Mrs Diamond and Miss Millar made a phone call to Honalee Labs to ask their advice. Almost immediately, renowned Dragonologists Professors Hydra and Blaze arrived to help identify the species of dragon. It transpired that Honalee Labs have had terrible staffing issues lately, so immediately they began a training and recruitment programme for the children, declaring it is never too young to become a dragonologist. After proving their worth, the children were asked to produce a non-chronological report on a species of dragon found in the deepest and wildest parts of their imaginations.

Professor Hydra and Professor Blaze confidently identified the eggs as those of the Oxford Ridgeback dragon, but were contradicted by the arrival of Professor Puffle, the Head of Honalee Labs, who raised extreme alarm by identifying the eggs as The Reading Ridgeback, a creature most widely known for its ferocity, immense size and partiality for eating small children for tea. Fortunately, the eggs are now safely in the hands of Professor Puffle, while Professor Hydra and Professor Blaze have been sent off on an intensive egg identification course!

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